Ra's Al Ghul appear again in The Dark Knight Rises

The phrase there is nothing can not possibly happen in the movie seems true. In the film, the director could make you fly, invisible, have supernatural power, and even life after death. The last thing that seems will happen is the rise of Ra's Al Ghul character, played by Liam Neeson in the superhero film, Batman Begins.

Neeson character is clearly have been killed in Batman Begins, but it was surprising that he will be back in The Dark Knight Rises. This was revealed when Warner Bros issued a formal letter of Liam Neeson at the launch of Wrath of the Titans film. It stated that:

"The next Neeson will play a role in Battleship, and he could also see his appearance in the action thriller film of the most anticipated works of Christopher Nolan The Dark Knight Rises".

Both Warner Bros. and Christopher Nolan has yet to confirm how Ra's Al Ghul will be turned on again in The Dark Knight Rises later.

Maybe his character will indeed be shown again, but only in a flashback scene. The appearance of Ra's Al Ghul is Nolan's commitment to bring back the character in Batman world to complete this last series.

Beside Ra's Al Ghul, Nolan also will show Joker character in the movie.

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